Thursday, January 24, 2019

Characteristics of Matter

We have already introduced matter. Matter is anything which has mass and occupy space. We can perceive matter from our 5 sensory organs, i.e., eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin.
Now, let us discuss about the characteristics of this matter. 

1. Matter is made up of particles.
Matter is made up of still smaller particles which are known as atoms. Hence, it is particulate and is not continuous in nature.
Atom is the basic unit of any matter. Atoms are so small that we cannot see it even through the strongest microscope available, in present.

2. Particles are constantly moving.
All the particles are associated with kinetic energy. Due to this energy, they always remain in motion.
Kinetic energy varies proportionally with square of temperature (i.e., K = 1/2 kT2) and hence, the speed of particles also increases with temperature.

3. They have space in between them.
When we add sugar crystals to water and stir it, we observe that after some time the crystals disappear. The large sugar crystals keep on dividing themselves into smaller and smaller particles and goes into the space in between the water molecules. This shows that there is a lot of space between particles of matter.

4. They are very small in size.
As discussed, atoms are very small in size. The radius of an atom ranges between 10-10-10-11 m.
You must have noticed that 1 crystal of salt is so small that we can't see it with our naked eyes. Even that 1 small crystal of salt consist of millions of tiny particles. From this you can conclude that particles of matter are very small.

5. They attract each other.
There are forces in between particles of different matter. These forces keep different particles together. This force is different for solids, liquids and gaseous matter.

Separation of Components of Air

Air is a homogeneous mixture of various gases. It can be separated into its components by fractional distillation.  Procedure:  Firs...