Sunday, October 14, 2018


Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the study of matter and its interaction either with another matter or with the wave.

When matter interacts with matter, physical and chemical changes occur. For example, when we make tea, we mix milk and water. But in doing so, no new substance is formed and it is called a physical change. Then, we add tea leaves and boil this mixture. We observe a change in colour, odour, taste etc. because a new product is formed. Hence, it is known as a chemical change. In this, the water, milk, and tea leaves are all matter and they interact with each other to form a new product.

The matter can also interact with the waves and as a result, the chemical reaction occurs. A common example is the use of microwave ovens for cooking food. Food, a matter, and the radiations from microwave ovens interact with each other and a new substance is formed.
Being a chemist or a chemistry student, it is our work to study all these changes so as to know the basic nature of each and every particle in the universe.

" Chemistry is the study of matter."

Chemistry works in combination with other disciplines. It makes use of logic and reasoning, mathematics, physics, biology, geology etc. Some common relationships are given below.

With mathematics:  for solving numerical, for preparing solutions of various concentrations.

With physics: there are many laws in physics which we use in chemistry, like Law of Conservation of Mass/Energy, Or quantum mechanics, radioactivity etc.

With biology: by using chemical laws and reactions, we make so many products which are useful in our daily life. Also, some of the products affect the lives of other organisms. For example, the use of DDT as a pesticide.

With geology: it is useful in the study of metallurgy for mining and extracting minerals from ores.

With logic: Every science needs logic to work. If something is not logical, it is beyond our mind.

" Chemistry is known as the central science."

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